2019 ASV RT-50 Posi-Track for Sales, QLD

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2019 ASV RT-50 Posi-Track for Sales, QLD : $68,000 AUD ($74,800 Inc. GST)
Used ASV RT-50 Posi-Track for Sale. 2019 Model, approx 900 Hours.
The RT-50 Posi-Track, ideal for landscaping, working in confined areas and anywhere you need versatility and power in a smaller package.
Cab: Closed
Undercarriage: Good condition
Track condition: Good
Bucket included: Norm 4 in 1 with teeth
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Year Model: 2019
Hours (approx): 900
This machine is located in Brisbane, QLD. We can ship anywhere around Australia and International – call us for a freight quote today!
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