2016 Terex R265T Track Loader, QLD

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2016 Terex R265T Track Loader, QLD : $50,000 AUD ($55,000 Inc. GST)
Terex R265T Track Loader Used
The 2016 Terex R265T Track Loader is a versatile and powerful compact track loader, designed for a wide range of applications inl. construction and earthmoving , landscaping, agriculture and fire mitigation with the right attachments. Feature include:
Cummins Engine
Attachments: Norm Engineering tilting left/right 6in1 bucket
2016 model
Features include cold working air conditioning, AM/FM Radio &, UHF radio
Exterior presentable with rear engine cowl protection guard.
Cab: Closed
Undercarriage: Fair
Track condition: Fair
Bucket included: Norm 6-in-1
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Year Model: 2016
Hours (approx): 4750
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